Oled igapäevaselt seotud (maailma)hariduse edendamisega ning oled huvitatud senisest suuremast positiivsest mõjust maailmale? Liitu Bridge 47 arenguprogrammiga “Transformative Learning Journey”, et üheskoos tegeleda maailmakriiside põhjuste ja nende likvideerimisega! Programm on ingliskeelne ning kestab pool aastat – oktoobrist 2019 juunini 2020.
Kandideerimistingimused ja -info (inglise keeles):
Are you interested in making your educational work more transformative, empowering and emancipatory? Join Bridge 47 on a transformative learning journey with the aim of tackling the root causes of global crises through education.
‘Tackling the Root Causes of Global Crises through Education – A Transformative Learning Journey is now open for applications. The journey is tailored for staff members of civil society organisations engaged in the field of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) as well as change-makers and activists who work with education as a tool to facilitate transformative change.
The journey invites participants to reflect upon their own educational practices and underpinning theories of change and expand them by learning from each other. After having completed this journey, we envision that the participants and their organisations have an increased ability to use transformative approaches to GCE and become leaders of systemic change in their organisations, networks and social contexts.
The journey consists of three physical workshops and webinars, as well as online mentoring, individual research, and an action experiment. It will start in October 2019 and conclude in June 2020.
Apply to be a part of this exciting journey by 7 April 2019. Participants are asked to pay a participation fee based on a solidary self-assessment. More details about context, fees and structure of journey ise here and a link to the registration form is here.
For any questions, please contact: Astrid Müller, astrid.mueller@bridge47.org
Quotes of our current participants:
‘The TLJ offered me a space to reflect on my current work and life situation and begin to look for more meaningful, integrative ways forward. This process was aided by an amazing group of peers – many of whom have become good friends – and a dedicated facilitation team with a great taste for experimentation!’
‘The transformative learning journey is a unique opportunity to reflect on, explore and experiment with your burning questions, whatever those may be. It creates the space for thought, experience but also frustration and doubt. On a personal level it helped me get out of my comfort zone and challenge my own assumptions and blind spots. On a professional level it created the space for me to go beyond the established practice and the drive for results. It facilitated experimentation into the unknown and it encouraged me to embrace my frustrations and doubts and learn from them. But most importantly, it brought me together with other people, to smile, cry, hold hands and move together with.’
‘It’s been a chance to take my head away from the day-to-day work and take time re-think the opportunities, for not just working differently, but thinking differently. I feel re-energised and more confident after spending so much valuable time with unique and inspiring participants.’
‘I am so grateful to be part of this programme. Such spaces (where you are invited to dive into challenging frames all the while reflecting on your own education/life practice) are precious, so far and few between….Grab this opportunity if you can’
Bridge 47 – Building Global Citizenship is a project co-created and implemented by 16 European and global civil society organisations. It seeks to mobilise and empower global civil society to contribute to a transformation towards global justice and eradication of poverty through Global Citizenship Education. This project is co-funded by the European Union.