Venue: Tallinn, Estonia on 05.-07.02.2019
Purpose: To increase advocacy skills of Global Citizenship Education Organizations and to increase skills to create links between national advocacy, European and Global advocacy in GCE. Also to learn to create more meaningful conception and tools to monitor, evaluate and learn from Global Citizenship Education advocacy work.
Participants: GCE organizations all around Europe from national platforms to small NGOs or civic activists.
Miltton Nordics is an adviser on government and corporate relations and in communications in Estonia, all Nordics and Brussels. Those who want to make their voice heard, need to target decision-makers effectively and constantly as well as being accepted by communities. Due to Milttons partners political background they are the best networked team in Estonia and Miltton Brussels team gives high quality support on EU level. Their services include monitoring decision-making and lobbying customers’ interests at all levels of the decision-making process, from EU policies to national implementation, where they have a reach on all levels – local, regional and national.
Think Tank Praxis is an independent, non-profit, civil initiative think tank. They enrich public debate, create valuable knowledge and effective solutions for policymakers, the third sector and other interested people. Measuring social impact of NGOs, movements etc. Highlighting the synergies between different areas of focus is one of the biggest strengths of Praxis, because our experts cover all the main topics of socio-economic development.
Day one
13.00 -13.30 Getting together
13.30-14.00 Intro session with Bridge 47
14.00-18.00 Sessions with Miltton Nordics
18.00 Joint dinner (not paid by organizers)
Day two
9.30-13.30 Session with Miltton Nordics
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30–17.30 Sessions with Think Tank Praxis
17.30 Joint dinner (not paid by organizers)
Day three
9.30-12.45 Continuing session with Think Tank Praxis
12.45-13.30 Lunch
13.10-15.00 Closing session with Praxis
The seminar can host 20 participants and there will be a small participant’s fee (30 euros) to compensate alimentation expenses. Participants will pay for their transportation and accommodation. When you receive the confirmation mail regarding your participation in the workshop we will provide you with a list with suggested hostels and other practical issues.
For registration please fill out this form if you would like to be considered as one of the 20 participants in this workshop!
Agne Kuimet
National Officer in Estonia
Skype name: mutrike